Kai has started playing with cars and trucks. Its weird to me because I'm seeing some stereotypical `boy' things come out. I did play cars with him and tried to be all `tough' about it by having the cars collide and race rather than having the cars kiss:) He does have a lot of different types of toys and I hope it was okay that I got him a doll. He actually hates it and won't touch it. I just thought it would be good if we had another kid, then he could practice being around babies. His stuffed animals will just have to do.
The pictures below are at the lake right next to the fields that we play at (Burnaby Central). The camera was on a wonky setting with its aperture and its old lens but I just like the scenery here. Kai did really well just watching us play and eating snacks and trying to get ahold of some of the big/regular size footballs on the sidelines. He had enough energy after to chase all the ducks and squirrels around.

way to go lou!!! congrats to u and the team for being undefeated. thats highly impressive. go team