His flirtatious head tilt (this is at daycare)
Getting ready to give the leaves to daddy
Throwing the ball around in the leaves. I think we'll have to get some good photos this weekend in these leaves, they are beautiful!
This month seems to have flown by. I just read where he was at a month ago and it doesn't seem like much has changed but I'm seeing more and more of his character/silliness every month. He is currently 26.7lbs and I'm not sure if he's any taller but his shoes are finally fitting a little better so at least his feet have grown! Maybe I'll just go through some of his favourites:
Favourite book: Hop on Pop and Opposites (doggies on every page)
Favourite drink: MILK
Favourite food: bananas (he now can eat it without cutting it up, I just give him a huge chunk)
Favourite item in the world: blankie
Favourite time of day: bedtime!
Favourite toy: tough one...empty ketchup bottle or the potato masher
Favourite drawer in the house: tupperware!!!
Favourite thing to do that he's not allowed: unroll all the toilet paper and run around the house with it
Favourite thing to do at the park: put leaves in the pylon (or eat bark mulch still!!!)
Favourite word: daddy!
I guess I can think of a few changes for this month. He is now in daycare part time and doing wonderfully. I honestly don't worry about him the entire day because I know he's well cared for and having fun. Another change is that he now climbs the stairs. Fast. He's also a lot more cuddly! It's awesome, he'll actually want to lay on me and rest his head (sometimes)! The best way to get him to be cuddly is by making him jealous:) If Gary or I hug or kiss, he def. wants in on it!!! He is quite the delight and we are loving his little personality and spunk. He got 2 molars this month and seems to do okay with all the teething now. Oh ya, he got his first cold this month which really hasn't affected him except for a runny/stuffed nose. He keeps saying `ba-boo' and I don't know what it is but if I say it back to him, he thinks its the funniest thing ever. He never really caught on to the signing thing but its pretty easy to know what he wants so its okay so far.
I know this is Kai's 14 month old post but I did just want to add that I'm exhausted. Just with life. I feel like I need some rejuvination and I don't think I'm the only one. I think the craziness of September and the change in weather has been a transition for many. So, I'm hoping with a long weekend (filled with stuff) that there will be some time to relax and unwind and laugh. I just don't want to be a go, go, go person anymore (and I'm not even really anymore). I have a gift certificate from the spa that I got last Christmas, I should prob. use it soon:) I want to enjoy each day and look forward to it rather than going to sleep thinking `Oh good, got through another day...now just have to get through tomorrow', isn't that terrible?! I'm not depressed, I'm just transitioning into mother/teacher, hormonal, the weather is gloomy, and I don't want to spend 4 hours making nutrient agar plates with a 50 year old autoclave. I'm thinking this long weekend, with football and food, will be good. Tomorrow, a friend and I are taking our little guys swimming, should be fun! Take care all!
I SO remember what that feels like and I didn't have a baby to take care of! I'll really be praying for more grace for the transitions. I don't know how you working parents do it!