Thursday, May 03, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

I have been blogging since 2005. I have enjoyed this place to journal and share and plan to continue doing so but at a much slower pace. It is still important as a record of my kids' lives with the trips we've done and the photos I've taken but I feel like I can't expend energy on writing posts unless it's a topic I'm very passionate about and doesn't take up too much time. There are so many voices out there screaming for your attention and I only want to share what I think is actually worth your time. These Thankful Thursday posts are personal and therefore those that know me may enjoy getting more insight into our lives or finding out about cool new products or places we've discovered but I'm totally okay if you skip them because your time is valuable. 

I will continue to try to blog twice a week but if I don't for the next few months, I'm not putting any pressure on myself. Life is busy and full to the brim with great things  (and less fun things as well). As with anything in life,
"Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”– Howard Thurman

Please excuse the majority of these photos being phone photos but for the first time in my life I have been too busy (and sick) to pull out the real camera!

This week I am thankful for:

1. Homemade chicken stock. It's probably my favourite way to use our Instant Pot. I use the remains of a rotisserie chicken and then just add water, veggies and herbs. One hour later, we've got enough stock for a week or two! 

2. Secondhand shoes for Baby Girl. I remember in foster parent training they talked about buying new clothes like you would for your own biological kids and I was like, uh, all my kids wear secondhand ;) I could've bought one new pair for $16 OR I got two pairs for $9 at Once Upon a Child. Done. Perfect for our new walker.

3. Sunshine and flowers. It was a pretty Friday when I had them all home for a Pro-D day. I don't love all four on my own because of certain dynamics but we made it. 

4. Kai trying out for the Western Ball Hockey Championships. He is in the U-13 group and he's not quite 12 so his chances of making it are quite slim. I'm proud of him for trying anyway and he put in 100%. He puts A LOT of pressure on himself so if he fails to make it I think it would be a good learning/growing experience.

5. Our trampoline. Even Miss Rapunzel enjoys shooting hoops now.

6. Grandparents to watch Kai run. I couldn't attend as it was in Abbotsford but they live there and were able to cheer him on and send me a photo! He's quite a decent athlete and I'm hopeful he'll stay in sports as he gets older too.

7. That my virus hit Saturday afternoon. I woke up feeling sick but still drove Kai to hockey and then played my own hockey game (note: If you feel a virus coming on, save up your energy!). As soon as I got home from hockey I took a shower and collapsed in bed for nearly 36 hours. Gary was home and activities were limited so it was awesome timing that way. By the way, I LOVE our bed. If you are uncertain what size to get, go for a king size. Love, love, love it.

8. It's May! I love May because it's our anniversary and Nya's birthday but it's also the anniversary of my mom's passing on May 7th which is always a tricky time. So, thankful for it but also aware that it's always a big feeling month for me.

9. Koen's sweet side. It balances out his...uh, spicy side.

10. One on one with Koen. He relishes having our ears all to himself. He can actually speak for twenty minutes non stop without problem. He said that sometimes he forgets to breathe. No one has taught me more about life and parenting than this kiddo. That may sound lovely but it's so much work too. Love our Koey.

So, there you go! Life is full. What is something that you are thankful for today?


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