Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thankful Thursday

This week Gary left on his annual spring trip with his Outdoor Leadership class. Usually something happens while he is gone for four days–from the transmission going on the van to a breakout of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease to gastric bugs, we've had it all. This week he was leaving to kayak the Gulf Islands while I had all five kids and no relief workers. So, it could have been bad in many ways but I survived. This week I am thankful for:
1. Gary being able to fix the toilet. Child #4 placed toys in the toilet (which was happening daily but we could usually fish them out--these had been flushed). Gary removed the toilet and got the toys out and now #4 knows never to do it again.

2. A strong body. This is a random photo Koen took but I love how strong my legs look. I've been in a 3- month nutritional and exercise program which started just days after the two Littles arrived. I have been able to do the minimum exercise requirements but haven't changed my eating habits. I'm hoping that June will bring some more time to focus on my fitness and health.

3. 12 years of marriage next on Sunday. Parts of the 12 years have gone as expected and others were not anything I could have anticipated.  It's been a lot of work but it's always worth it. We are looking forward to celebrating with our annual (okay, this is just the second time in a row) overnight backpacking trip. Last year we did Elfin Lakes, this year we'll do Skyline Divide at Mount Baker hopefully!

4. A sunny long weekend. Being trapped in the house with all of these kids is not fun. Thankfully we were able to hit up Crescent Beach early in the morning and then spent the rest of the weekend at playgrounds and water parks. Any money we would have spent on travelling I instead spent on new shoes and capris ;) 

5. Our trampoline. I thanked our neighbour for putting up with all the noise from our backyard as we send the Littles out early in the morning and she mentioned how well used our trampoline is. We let the two Littles go on together, zip it up, and let them play for at least an hour a day. 

5. Technology. The boys didn't want to go to the beach (they just like jumping in big waves) so I said they could use the iPad in the van and for the first 10-15 minutes at the beach. I must have looked like the worst parent but I don't care--sanity first, yo.

6. New sandals and capris. I had asked on Facebook for feedback on shoes–people have opinions! I've decided to buy a slip-on shoe and sandals. Although Birkenstocks were highly recommended I decided to go for a dressier one that was on sale at Ronsons this weekend and was recommended by two friends. I'm still looking for the perfect super supportive yet trendy slip on shoe.

7. A new bed. Our old one was the one we bought when we got married and the wooden frame has since broken in two places and had been supported by books. When IKEA had a sale this past weekend, we picked up the Hemnes one at 15% off. I love how it looks and we are much higher off of the ground. I'm also thinking of getting a new duvet to brighten things up a bit--let me know if you've seen any great white ones! 

8. Support. Thank you to those that drove the boys to school, provided a meal, and helped with babysitting/playing with kids. It was a busy week and we did it (okay, tonight is actually the busiest but I have faith that it will go well). Thank you, thank you, thank you!

9. The water park being open. Yeehaw!!! The three youngest love it and we can walk to it. I just hope that everyone understands when one child takes over water squirting station and doesn't give it up for anyone for 30 minutes straight, there's a reason I'm not stepping in. He's happy? I'm happy. Another family said "We have "spicy" kids too--here are some cookies"  and we used the cookies to lure the kids out of the park and home again ;) 

10. Sunshine. Sweet, sweet sunshine. Being stuck in the house with five kids is not fun. A sunny week makes everything a whole lot better!

Oh, and remember that I said that something always happens when Gary is gone? On Wednesday night I woke up at 1AM to someone crying "Auntie! Auntie! Puke! Puke!". Yes, we had a puker AND the power was out. I took my cell phone to access the situation and then tracked down a flashlight for the candlelight bath and clean up. BUT it was a one time thing so I am sooooooo thankful for that (two weeks post-vaccine so I think that's it?) What is something that YOU are thankful for today?


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