Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Thankful Thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1. A new bench. We had ordered this table and one bench back in the fall. After realizing how convenient it is when we have a lot of people/kids over, we decided to have another one made. Ta da! We had it made locally by Rustic Valley.

2. My own personal stylist. Okay, not quite. My sister-in-law is more than willing to share her cute clothes we me, I love that we are similar sizes.  This is for one of the dinners on our cruise--cute, right?

3. A great big brother. Kai is usually very good at working with his siblings. Here he is playing school with them (again) and making rock candy. He also does music, PE,  and math.

4. My book club. We celebrated our 3 year anniversary last week. These women are great and although we don't always agree on our rating and feeling of the book, it's a great way to stay accountable and read books I wouldn't normally.

5. Teaching Biology. I substitute teach one day a week and it can be anything from science to PE to art. My love (and degree) is in Biology so doing a Bio 12 class this past week felt so good.

6.  A win!  Gary and I didn't win a trip but I won a photo contest with BC Hydro for their #BundleUpBC contest on Twitter!  Snowshoes and a GoPro! Totally something that works well for our family :)

7. A swim shirt for $5.  As mentioned here we don't have a huge clothing budget and since I bought Gary a $40 swim shirt I wanted to find a cheaper one for myself! I went shopping at VV and found this one in great condition for $5. I also found Koen Crocs for $3.50 at Once Upon a Child. Phew. He lives in Crocs in the summer and we needed some for our cruise. 

8. A dental plan. I can't imagine what it would be like if we had to pay full price for all the services we get at the dentist. Gary had two fillings on Monday and Nya had a cleaning, x-ray, and then consultation with a pediatric dentist on Tuesday. Nya has a lot of work to be done (including two crowns with baby root canals) but she will be sedated and hopefully all will go well. 

9. Snowshoe and fondue date with Gary at Cypress. Our guide took us on a long off-trail snowshoe for 1.5 hours (hello, workout). Then we went to the lodge for a cheese and chocolate fondue. It was fun and I was so full. The snowshoe back to the van was less enjoyable because of my full stomach!


10. A basement to play hockey in. Great for a rainy day!

11. Our taxes are done! Yahoo! Okay, so I was a paper and pen kinda tax girl up until 2 years ago. Last year I used Turbo Tax for the first time, and yes, it was so much easier. This year we have no business taxes to do so it was a super duper breeze. 

12. We're headed to Florida to go on a cruise! I'm not sure how much wifi we'll have while we are there but I'll probably update on Facebook and Instagram. Fingers crossed that our luggage arrives (okay and us!) arrive on time.

All right: What is something you are thankful for today?


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