1 & 2: A bra fitting and finding a `Fitbit Flex' for under $100.00. I will blog about the FitBit once I try it out for a week or so.
3. Koen having a great birthday party at Castle Fun Park. It is totally not my idea of fun but they loved it.
4. My dad and Joanne having us over for dinner and a birthday cake for Koen afterwards. It worked out so well. I'm so glad we could spend time with them one on one because sometimes, well, it's chaotic with all my sisters and their families!
5. Being healthy enough to go to Science World as a family.
6. Naps. Miss Nya hasn't napped in over 6 months but this croup/asthma/cold virus has really exhausted her. She has been grumpy for 2-3 weeks straight now. Fortunately she has napped about 4/7 of the past days. I don't like seeing her body so weak and I don't know what else I can do for her.
7. Kai going back to school. He missed the last week of school before the break because he was sick. This kid needs a lot of exercise each day so being at home with a sick family wasn't really doing it for him. He still had swimming lessons for an hour a day, plus played hockey with the neighbour boys, but it wasn't enough. He attends an out of school care program that usually has them running around a lot (and getting very, very muddy).
{It was awesome to have swimming lessons over the break! Super small classes and kept them busy exercising.}
{He was trying to cheer Nya up by being a princess with her. It didn't work.}
8. A husband who cooks healthy meals. I bought him `Oh She Glows' for Christmas and we've really enjoyed the cookbook. It's vegan but there are many recipes that work for our low carb/low sugar plan. This was the `African Peanut Stew' recipe. Yum. So hearty. So healthy.
9. Our new lockers. I love them!! If you haven't seen them before, Gary just adapted a Lappland Ikea tv unit into lockers for our family. I even have my own. Can't wait until we put the new floor in too.
10. Koen's love for Hello Kitty. He keeps it on the down low outside the home because he quickly found out his friends didn't think it was so cool. We talked to him about how boys and girls can like anything and it's okay if everyone doesn't feel the same way. So to any of you who have boys who like some stereotypical `girl' things, you're not alone! I don't usually buy second hand stuffies but this was more of a display one due to size. Cost me $4 and it was the best birthday present ever for him. He keeps it in his room but he had to join us for dinner.
I hope you are having a good week. I would love to hear what you are thankful for today!
That Hello Kitty stuffy is fantastic! What a great find. And I'm curious what you think of the FitBit - maybe I'll be inspired to use my treadmill if you make it sound really exciting. I bought the stuff to make the Peanut Stew - will probably have it tomorrow. Did your kids like it? Mine are being SUPER picky these days because of teething and colds and plain pickyness :) I'm thankful for when my child sleeps while sick (because we all know that means we get to sleep), for a husband that doesn't need much sleep and can adapt to night shifts easily, for growing boys that are so relentless and exhausting and hilarious and energetic and fun, for sewing/craft projects that keep me entertained and feeling like I accomplished something during the week, Lego (so entertaining for the boys), an ice rink made by the Mr that we all get to enjoy and the boys can actually learn on without any expense, my crockpot, feeling my baby move around, my Expedition (I giggle while I'm driving around in the snow thinking how great it is not to have to worry about getting stuck or not making it a little hill), and for parents (especially knowing those who don't get to enjoy both) :(. Not quite ten but good enough. Love you Lou! - Ali
ReplyDeleteAli-as long as there are no mushrooms, my kids like all food :) Sorry your kids aren't sounding the easiest right now! great things to be thankful for..I think if I lived where you do, an ice rink would be a must! Can't believe baby K is moving already, so wild. Love you too!
DeleteThat stew looks delicious and I do hope that Nya feels totally better soon.
ReplyDeleteCarol, if you try the stew let me know what you think. It's a great option for a vegetarian meal. YOu have to like peanut butter to like it. Thankfully Nya is starting to feel a bit better, thanks!
DeleteI made the African Peanut Stew this morning. I think it was the first time I had put peanut butter in anything other than cookies! We liked it quite well, but I wouldn't say we loved it!
DeleteCarol-I'm glad that you liked it. Would you like it more if there was chicken in it? Way to branch out! If you want to try another dish with peanut butter in it, you know what's really tasty? Making a peanut satay sauce for chicken!! Yum! Thanks for letting me know you tried it :)
DeleteHaving two older sisters David loved girly things! Frozen, Dora, dolls hair lol.
ReplyDeleteI did my thankful Thursday post as well! im mostly thankful for naps today as well! I'm off to enjoy one myself!
Shannon-hope you had a good nap!
DeleteMatthew loves nail polish and necklaces. Our rule is that he's allowed to wear necklaces in the house, but not outside of the house. He's also allowed to have his toenails painted, but not his fingernails. Jon hates it when he wears necklaces and has his nails painted...but I think it's great that he's comfortable with it. There's nothing wrong with a boy enjoying 'girl' things, right? We don't tell girls that they can't play with 'boy' things. I'm thankful for your blog! I love reading it...it's one of the first things I check when I get onto my laptop every morning :)
ReplyDeleteLaura, Koen likes his nail polish too :) On his toes. And thank you for the compliment on enjoying my blog, much appreciated!!
DeleteI love those lockers!! Also, did not know you were pregnant again Ali! Great news.
ReplyDeleteThanks! Yay for 2015 babies, right? Congratulations to you too! I did message that on Brayden's moustache FB announcement. Hope you're feeling OK now! - Ali