This year I am thankful for:
1. Health. Yes, we had the usual amount of stomach bugs and respiratory illnesses but overall, good general health. My thyroid is also still behaving awesomely which is great. We now have inhalers for Nya which brings us both relief.
2. A marriage that is improving. We are in such a better place now but I know that it will continue to take work. I'm thankful for where we are and the direction we are heading. It'll be 10 years in May!
3. Financial stability. When I got sick (Graves' Disease) in 2009 and was unable to go back to teaching, I was stressed about how to earn an income. We put more into our photography business and since then, I've been able to start subbing about once a week. We don't make a lot of money but it's a wonderful, perfect amount for us.
4. Our parent's health. I guess as we get older, so do our parents. I'm thankful that Dad, Joanne, Judy and Dan are here and relatively healthy.
5. Awesome blogging opportunities. I wasn't sure what would happen when I was nominated as one of the Top Vancouver Mom Bloggers of 2014 back in June. I wasn't sure how to stay `me'. I'm very thankful that as a family we could partake in many fun family activities and share about them.
6. The communities that I am part of. Seriously, so grateful. I see these communities at church (I'd say 60% of our Christmas cards come from our church family), school, the neighbourhood, facebook, blogging, friends, family, and more. I feel supported and encouraged. Thank YOU.
7. A new way of eating. Saying `goodbye' to most sugar has been so amazing to both Gary and I. It's been a little tricky these past few weeks with so many goodies. We let ourselves indulge when it's worth it. I LOVE seeing the results on both Gary and myself. We've each lost close to 20 lbs.
8. Our home. It's not the most stylish. It's doesn't have the biggest kitchen or ensuite or yard, but, it works well for us. I'm so glad we bought it when we did (9 years ago!) because we sure wouldn't be able to buy it now.
9. Healthy family relationships. With 4 sisters (and their husbands) and 2 sister in laws (and their husbands), you never know what could happen. I'm glad that we all love and respect each other (I think we do!).
10. Our children. Each night we pray with them and thank God that they are in our family. It can get a little nuts parenting three kids and balancing life but I wouldn't change a thing. Well, less sickness if I had any control over it. I'm nervous and excited about the child that may join our family this year through the foster system. No idea when this would happen but now I'm thinking it will be closer to the summer.
For all these things and so many more, I thank God.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Love, Louise
PS We had to take about 20 pictures to get one with Gary's eyes open.
You have been so faithful doing your "Thankful Thursday" posts and I enjoy reading them and seeing the accompanying photos every week! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
ReplyDeleteCarol, thank you for being so faithful with your comments! Merry Christmas to you and YOUR family :)
DeleteSO awesome - indeed, many wonderful blessings to be thankful for!