Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thankful Thursday

Somehow it's already Thursday! With B.C's Family Day on Monday it has made it hard to keep track of what day it is. All right, so...I'm feeling a lot of confusion over what I want to do in regards to life/work as changes are coming. Our Little One is moving out very soon and in September Nya will go to school. In order to keep our fostering contract and not have to redo our home study, we can't just take a break for 6 months. We can do respite but there is such a variety of ways this could look–emergency, after hours, respite, relief, short term...I'm not sure what will work best for our family (and I'm pretty certain that anything short term would turn into a long one). I know what our kids want (to continue fostering long term) but it's trickier for Gary and I as there are so many factors to consider–just subbing a couple of times a week would be so much easiser. The pro list for fostering is very short but the ones on the pro side are life changing. All this said, we have a lot going on right now and I'd love any wisdom you have to share.

This week I am thankful for:

1. The show Hello Goodbye. If you love Humans of New York, you will enjoy this show. It makes me tear up every time.

2. The ability to get away. Had we known we were going on a holiday in just one month we would not have gone to Harrison but I booked it months ago and the kids had a good time. Gar and I were a bit family-ed out.

3. Being able to donate blood. I have not been taking iron pills so I was curious how my surgery in June affected my iron levels. The hemoglobin cutoff is 125 g/L and that is what mine was. Just made it. I do wish it had been higher but I'll take it.

4. A good book. I enjoy being part of a book club because it ensures that I'm reading a variety of books. This was a feel good book. I feel like I haven't read one like this in a while and it just made me smile.

5. Valentine's Day with a friend. Gary was at basketball and Leah came over to enjoy a glass of wine and some terrible TV ;) She brought me a chocolate rose.

6. The snow being gone!  Yes, we had a rain warning yesterday but at least we can drive around no problem.

7. Being able to use the playgrounds again. It felt like Spring!

8. Basketball being done. It's bittersweet. Gary had his last game last night. He commits a lot of time to it so I do want to see them go far but when it's over, it is nice to have my husband back and one less thing to figure out each day.

9. The flu just hitting Koen. On Valentine's Day. Glad everyone else was okay and are "just" dealing with colds. With Nya this means a pretty bad one but we're so used to it by now.

10. Sleeping through the night. I need it. I don't know if I can ever go back to not sleeping solidly from 11 PM to 6 AM. PS I have a sleeping photo of Kai that I took this same night. I love it but won't share it because he would be mortified. Do you know what my dad did when we were little? He'd come into our room at 11 PM with the video camera and tell us that it was time to get ready for school! We were so confused. Such a pest. The video is kind of funny.

What is something that you are thankful for today?


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