Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for:

1.  Gary home for a snow day.  On Monday we had some surprise snow resulting in a snow day.  Fortunately Gary was home too so he was able to help out with these kids.  When we had a snow day on the Friday, he was in a basketball tournament.

2.  My Nya Bear.  Oh do I need her sweet words and encouragement.  She is such a sweetheart.

3.  The big Disney surprise! I can't believe I could keep a secret from them for so long--only a few more sleeps!

4.  Daddy daughter cuddles! You know she's sick when she'll fall asleep during the day...

5.  Moments of peace.  Oh mylanta, Koen and #4 definitely don't play well together 90% of the time, but the other 10%, so sweet.

6.  Face Time.  My sister was playing her flute in Mission for an event and my dad Face Timed me so I could watch! Go, Janny Bear!

7.  The gift of all-you-can-eat sushi!  The one thing that all of our kids can agree on is that sushi is their favourite food!  Our friend Nancy gifted us with a meal at Akumae Sushi to encourage us--isn't that so kind?  Nancy, we had a wonderful time and a big "thank you" from all of us!

8.  Warmer weather...soon!  I've enjoyed the snow but I don't love freezing temperatures for too long.  Looking forward to SUNSHINE and 19C!

9. Antibiotics.  On Tuesday Nya was diagnosed with bronchiolitis and an ear infection.  I'm curious if the antibiotics help because I'm pretty sure it's viral but fingers crossed!

10.  Winter coats.  I got a text on Tuesday morning saying that Koen showed up to school without a coat.  He went to school with one.  I have two winter coats for each of the boys just in case (I buy them for $5-15 during the year secondhand) so I brought another one to him.  Let's hope he doesn't lose this one as it's the nicer one!

11.  A beautiful Christmas concert.  I love seeing Nya on stage.  She enjoys singing and dancing and I hope her love for it continues!  The boys were such pests...they were motioning to Nya that she wasn't singing loud enough (even though she was very loudly) so she increased her volume even more and then they gave her thumbs up.  They did this for every song.

What are you thankful for today?



  1. Haha, that Surrey forecast IS my 'warmer weather soon'!! So excited for you to get some real warm sunshine! Your kids are beautiful and you look awesome in that pink coat.

  2. I'm thankful that you enjoyed your sushi!! That makes me pretty happy! I can't believe your temperature is going to be 19C. That's wild! This prairie girl is jealous. We're at 19 as well. . . -19!

  3. Yup, OK, I didn't look at the fact that the 19C was going to be in Anaheim! That makes more sense! Sometimes I read too quick!
