Friday, April 19, 2013


There have been quite a few hospital stays for my family over the past couple of years but I think it's hardest to see the kids in there :(  Last week, Isaac spent three nights there due to dehydration from bacterial and viral tonsillitis   Poor bubba.  My sister blogged about it here.
He was in isolation so when I went to see him, I stayed far away.  He liked it when I danced though, so I did.
Today he came over for a little play date and he's walking!  Nya pushed him around on the car and all was well.  So glad to see him back to normal!  
Thankful for an awesome medical system.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love, Louise

1 comment:

  1. Poor bubs. He looks so sad in the hospital bed, all konked out! So thankful he's back up to his old tricks, and some new ones <3
