It has been two weeks now that our Little Girl has left and we feel like we have adjusted to being "just" a family of five quite well. I have to say that I love going to sleep at night knowing I won't be woken up AND that I don't have to have eyes on a toddler and can just work/shower/run etc whenever I like. We are in our last week of teaching before Christmas holidays and I'm so excited! What am I most looking forward to? No alarm clock.
This week I am thankful for:
1. Being able to go to the kids' Christmas concerts. I used to always go to their matinees so now I have to go on the busy nights with wild parking but I'm happy to see all of their hard work. I guess Kai just had his last one as he'll be in high school next year (although still taking band. Probably).
2. Koen reading. He did not love reading back in the day but due to books like Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Captain Underpants, Nate the Great etc, he's in. We had a power outtage the other day so I guess I'm thankful for headlamps too.
3. Starting to feel like Christmas. Being at work and not having snow doesn't make it feel very Christmassy but the activities we do help. Kai agreed to be in the photo only if I didn't make him wear pants. He has yet to wear pants to school this year.
4. Being able to donate blood. My sister was there at the same time (by chance!) and she donated for the 50th time. I'm just on my 23rd. My hemoglobin was my best yet so that made me happy. Thanks, iron pills.
5. Time to work out. I took a few days off after donating blood but I'm happy to have more freedom and time to exercise. You guys, in 14 teaching days I'm down to 50% (just 4 hours/day). Yeehaw. I did it. I have gained almost 5 lbs since starting teaching in September and my pants feel very uncomfortable. I'm looking forward to feeling better in my clothes again soon.
6. The boys being into LEGO. I don't know how this happened but they just started playing with it again and it keeps them busy TOGETHER for an hour a day minimum. Thank you, LEGO.
7. Time to read with Nya each day. We've been reading Amelia Bedelia which I loved as a kid. Technically Nya has been reading it and I just do the tricky words. She's done so well with her reading lately! I used to not have time or energy for this but now we do every night. I also gave her a little manicure this week, too.
8. Date night. We can now use Kai as a babysitter with Nya being the youngest and it's awesome! If Gary is at basketball (he is about 4 nights a week), I can run out if I need to. Gary and I also get a date night in once a week--yeehaw! This week we went to MEC and then to the school play.
9. Having Gary's side of the family together. We got to meet my niece's husband and baby boy this past week and that was pretty cool! I am a great aunt, wild right?
10. Going to the Giants game. I had never been and it was really fun. It's close, free parking, fun atmosphere–I loved it! Nya made it 2/3rds of the game before we had to pull out the iPad.
11. Game night. It's part of our advent calendar. We are not big "game" people. We enjoy sports more. Nya made up a Nya Trivia game and then we played Dutch Blitz. The boys are not the most encouraging of her which is frustrating. Not sure if you can read what she wrote but it says things like "Does Nya like cats? Is Nya really kind? Name one song that Nya is singing at the concert. Is Nya afraid of heights? Is Nya creative? Can Nya juggle? What is Nya's favourite princess? Is Nya cool?"
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