Monday, May 08, 2006

My mom

Yesterday, my mom passed away. She did so peacefully at home while surrounded by her husband, 5 daughters and her brother. All of us were holding her hands and feet and telling her how much we love her and how proud of her we are. In the past year, mom never said one negative thing about how she was feeling or how unfair it may seem. She did not want to waste energy on that, but to focus on what was important to her; her family, friends, and faith. This is one of my dad's favourite photos; my mom snug as a bug in her comfy sleeping bag on some adventerous trip with my him. I think my mom is probably now on a beautiful, brisk walk with her dad and brother...just laughing and smiling...Her memorial service will be on Friday at 2pm at Willoughby CRC.


  1. Louise and Mr. Chapman,
    I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers. Praise be to God that you were all able to be there surrounding your mother.

  2. Great picture. We love you guys, and strength as your continue this journey.

  3. I am praying for you guys during this difficult time. May you be at peace knowing that she is with her heavenly father. Keep Strong!

  4. I'll be keeping you guys in my prayers. Pray that God will continue to give you strength.

  5. Sorry to hear about the loss of your mother, I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  6. I think I know where you got your spunk from Louise... I wish I could have made it to the service to hear all the stories of such an amazing woman.

  7. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Your Mom would have been so proud of you and your sisters and Jack at the Memorial service. You all did such a great job. It was a lovely service. We were all so lucky to have had Greta in our lives and we were blessed to have her as long as we did. She was an amazing woman and we will all miss her so very much.
